

The ISKL-I (International Symposium on Kaingang Language) is an event of a modest scale, but is characterized as international, which is conducted at the Institute of Language Studies (IEL) of the UNICAMP, on 20-23, August 2012.

Its theme is the Phonology of the Kaingang Language, an indigenous language of the Je family, which, like Guarani, is a Brazilian indigenous language (both of them, frequently quoted in international publications on Phonology theory). Some facts of Kaingang phonology offer important critiques and revision of SPE in the 1970’s, in connection with the Autosegmental Phonology developed in the beginning of the 90’s, and the development of the C/D model, as a phonology-phonetic interface model of the reputable Osamu Fujimura (professor emeritus of The Ohio State University). Prof. Fujimura is attending this conference giving an honor to this event.

To know the program, day by day, click on “Programação (Program)”.